

    Architecturally, The House on Autumn Hill showcases a blend of different styles and influences. The façade embodies elements of both Gothic and Victorian architecture, with its intricately detailed ornamentation and imposing structure. The pointed arches on the windows and doors suggest a Gothic influence, while the decorative trim and ornate railings are reminiscent of the Victorian era. This amalgamation of styles reveals the adaptability of the builders, and highlights the evolution of architectural trends over time.


    为了能够适应这样的环境,参与者需要具备庇(bì )护所建造、火种取火、捕鱼(yú )狩猎等基(jī )本生存技能。此(cǐ )外,对于未知(🚋)(zhī )植物和(hé )动(dòng )物的认知(zhī )也是(shì )必不可少的,以免误食有(yǒu )毒植物或被野(😑)(yě )兽攻击。在这(🚖)(zhè )方(fā(💏)ng )面,格里尔斯(sī )将(🏆)会(🈲)给(gěi )予(🥛)(yǔ )他们(men )一些专业的知(zhī )识和指导。


