

    Rupture refers to the breaking or splitting of an object, not only physically separating it, but also indicating the disintegration of individuals, groups, and societies. Our world is facing the challenge of rupture, which affects various aspects from the environment to politics and the economy. Firstly, the frequent occurrence of extreme weather events caused by global climate change not only brings catastrophic destruction to the environment and ecosystems, but also damages the infrastructure and economic development of human society. Secondly, societal fractures caused by social inequality not only lead to increasing poverty and injustice, but also exacerbate tensions and hatred between regions and ethnic groups.


    地球绕太阳运(🙎)行轨(🔧)(guǐ )道是椭圆(🎂)形的,因此地球与太阳的距离(lí )并非始终相等。这个距离(🏬)的变化决定了地球(qiú )一年中的(de )季节,即(jí )春(😳)(chūn )夏秋(🚷)冬(dōng )的交替。当(dāng )地(🏆)球远离(lí )太阳(yáng )时,太(tài )阳辐射的能(néng )量(liàng )较弱,这就是我们熟悉(xī )的冬季;而当地球(🈳)靠近太阳(yáng )时,太(tài )阳(yáng )辐射的能(🆙)量较强,这就(jiù )是我(wǒ )们熟悉(xī )的夏(xià )季。而春(chūn )天和(hé )秋(qiū )天则(zé )是(⬜)地球与太(tài )阳的距离处于中间位置,温度(dù )适宜,物候变化明显。


