

    面对这场惊天(tiān )危机,我们必须采取果(guǒ )断的(de )行动(🎅)。首先(xiān ),国(guó )际社会应该全(quán )面执行《巴黎协定》,加大减(🥡)排(pái )力度,采用(yòng )可持续的能源替(tì )代传(chuán )统能源(yuán ),并加(👇)强气候(hòu )适应能力,以减(👢)缓气候变化对人类的严重影响。同时,全(quán )球应该(🔏)加(🕢)强合作,共同(tóng )应对(🐪)气候问题,促(cù )进(jìn )可持续发展(⏮)。


    From the perspective of cultural studies, the arrival of delicacies also reflects the unique food cultures of different regions. When a delicacy becomes popular in a certain area, it often embodies the history, traditions, and folk culture of that place. Cuisine is not just a type of food but also a reflection and inheritance of culture. For example, French champagne, Italian pizza, Chinese Beijing roast duck, etc., have become symbols of their respective cultures. In today's globalized world, the arrival of delicacies serves as a bridge for cultural exchange, enabling people from different countries and regions to better understand and appreciate each other's cultures.


